
Технологическая карта на устройство фундамента

Курсовые / Технология строительных процессов

Технологическая карта на устройство фундамента
Технологическая карта на устройство фундамента
1 лист А1 + 26 листов А4 пояснительной записки

Графическая часть: Технологическая схема производства работ, схема раскладки щитов опалубки, схема производства арматурных работ, схема производства бетонных работ, календарный график производства работ, график движения рабочей силы, схема уплотнение бетона, система операционного контроля качества, материально-технические ресурсы, указания по производству работ, указания по технике безопасности, состав бригады, ТЭП, область применения тех.карты.

Содержание пояснительной записки:
1.Исходные данные для проектирования.
2.Определение состава и объемов строительных работ.
3.Выбор ведущей машины для бетонных работ.
4.Технология и организация работ.
5.Калькуляция трудовых затрат и заработной платы.
6.Календарный график производства работ.
7.Расчет состава бригады.
8.Выбор вспомогательных машин и механизмов. Расчет их количества.
9.Определение потребности в материально-технических ресурсах.
10.Разработка системы контроля качества.
11.Разработка мероприятий по охране труда и технике безопасности.
12.Определение технико-экономических показателей.
13.Список используемой литературы.

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Алексей Ray Алексей Ray 6 мая 2017 08:12 Ответить
This restricts your movement to a smaller area on the guitar. But we will be using it for the forces of good to allow your right hand a limited area to operate in so you can improve the muscle memories for the distance in between the strings. Here's that limited movement in operation. All those ridiculous "guitarist rocking out/having a bowel movement" facial looks are optional, but appear to come with the territory. Every beginning guitarist has problems with string skipping. In the beginning the idea of synchronizing sound and video was appreciated but was quite difficult to realize. That may sound like a bad thing for you to do. The first thing you should do is to get to know your instrument. Life is going to be filled with many ups and downs so the best thing to do is buckle up and enjoy the ride. I live the series but honestly, a movie is just not going to happen.| Fortunately these works of art were created until the 1930s, and some are even made today in the same style as the old antiques. A chiffon tiered dress is perfect for this style. For a new, fresh look, the mother of the bride can look for a one-shouldered dress. Your perfectly manicured nails look good and say it loud about how well you maintain yourself. So, say good bye to expensive salons and French manicurists. Not just your face but even your hands say it loud when you need to get that perfect impression in a board meeting or on a special person. 2. Wash your hands with a herbal based soap and lukewarm water and let it dry. A well balanced diet and drinking plenty of water keeps the nails shiny and smooth while dehydrated nails look chipped and dry too. But it may still be a good idea, especially if you have areas of skin that are really dry. When the nails are soft, they are easy to cut and file. Generated with GSA Content Generator DEMO!

Visit site: http://v.ht/yKLc

Shawngulty Shawngulty 23 марта 2019 11:35 Ответить

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